(Original post from my blog http://wildwoodsoftyrone.blogspot.com if the links & videos are not working)
An interesting article about a new four-year research project underway at Florida State University to determine if free-will exists or not.
Funded by a $4.4 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation, the project will gather together scientists, philosophers and theologians and try to determine what factors (free will, genetics, environment, God or something else) lead us to do all the things we do.
From a purely theological point of view this raises the issues of Arminianism vs Calvinism
"Do humans, through their own freely chosen actions and decisions, determine whether they will go to heaven or hell? Does an omniscient God already know how things will turn out in the end? Does God given humans the free choice to turn away?
While it is perhaps difficult to reconcile concepts such as fate and destiny with free will, it is possible for an omniscient God to coexist with the idea of free will, said Kevin Timpe, an associate professor of philosophy at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho.
There is a difference between knowing what someone is going to do and causing them to do it, said Timpe, author of Free Will: Sourcehood and Its Alternatives. I know what my wife is going to order when I take her to certain restaurants just because I know her very well. But I also think my wife is freely choosing to order.
What if researchers discover free will does not exist? Two studies portend a troubled future, Mele said. One found its subjects cheated more when they believed they were not responsible for their own decisions; another found subjects’ behavior growing more aggressive when their belief in free will was suspended.
Norman Geisler, the author of 70 books including several on free will, said the idea that free will does not exist is incompatible with the Bible and the doctrine of original sin, which refers to the sin inherited from Adam and Eve’s transgressions in the Garden of Eden.
If Adam’s decision was not made freely, then that presumably makes God responsible for evil in the world.
The Bible constantly affirms that man is free, that he can choose his destiny, that he’s morally responsible, said Geisler, whose books include Chosen But Free. To say that we are pre-determined is to blame God for our choices. Secondly if all our actions are pre-determined, then why doesn’t God save everyone? Because if he can save everyone apart from their free will and he if really loves everyone then he would."
Hmm that however leaves some questions because it means God is not an all powerful, all knowing omnipotent God.
If God is all powerful and all knowing then he knows the past, present and the future ( Christ was able to know his betrayer and know the cock would crow thrice etc etc) so if he knows what happens in the future then it is predetermined / predestined?????
A short clip by Pastor Mark Driscoll of Marshill Church in the USA about Predestination.
Pastor Mark Driscoll tackles the issue of predestination by answering question #7 of Religion Saves, and 9 Other Misconceptions by answering “Why does an all loving, all knowing, and all sovereign God will into creation people He foreknows will suffer eternal condemnation? Why does Romans 9:20 feel like a cop-out answer?”
A much more indepth series by the old time preacher AW Pink can be found on the Sermon Audio website
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Traditional Unionist Voice policy gaps
Having just watched the David Vance / TUV webcast on the News Letter website, several questions remain unanswered.
In regards to the TUV manifesto claim to be standing up for education, they have failed to explain how they would have, or will, block Labour Party introduced laws at Westminster to ban Grammar schools. Only devolution of education to Stormont stopped those laws being enacted.
Secondly, how they would achieve voluntary coalition without British government approval & legislation. Clearly they will not win Labour support and Conservative, shadow Foreign Secretary, William Hague is quoted in the Irish Times today (27/4/10) as saying “We were the original champions of the peace process and we remain utterly committed to it and dedicated to it”...not to mention the Tory support for the devolution of policing & justice.
And thirdly the TUV manifesto mentions that in the absence of acceptable devolution (ie voluntary coalition), "enhanced, streamlined local government combined with a single elected authority to corporately administer
education, health and roads could easily provide efficient and sufficient government." .....now their manifesto makes it clear that they stand for `no terrorist in government` and`we will not go into government with Sinn Fein` yet this third and more likely & achievable option would surely include Sinn Fein?`
Below is the TUV Party Election Broadcast
Mid-Ulster Analysis
I have already posted about the DUP & Conservative-UUP candidates and i might as well cover the Mid-ulster TUC candidate now that their manifesto and PEB are out.
Walter Millar:
Website:- http://www.tuv.org.uk/press-releases/view/603/millar-for-mid-ulster
Doesn`t seem to have much of an online presence but Jim Allister & David Vance do:-
YouTube:- http://www.youtube.com/user/tuvonline
Vance:- http://www.davidvanceeastbelfast.com/
Twitter:- http://www.twitter.com/jimallister
Facebook:- http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=198802088202&v
In regards to the TUV manifesto claim to be standing up for education, they have failed to explain how they would have, or will, block Labour Party introduced laws at Westminster to ban Grammar schools. Only devolution of education to Stormont stopped those laws being enacted.
Secondly, how they would achieve voluntary coalition without British government approval & legislation. Clearly they will not win Labour support and Conservative, shadow Foreign Secretary, William Hague is quoted in the Irish Times today (27/4/10) as saying “We were the original champions of the peace process and we remain utterly committed to it and dedicated to it”...not to mention the Tory support for the devolution of policing & justice.
And thirdly the TUV manifesto mentions that in the absence of acceptable devolution (ie voluntary coalition), "enhanced, streamlined local government combined with a single elected authority to corporately administer
education, health and roads could easily provide efficient and sufficient government." .....now their manifesto makes it clear that they stand for `no terrorist in government` and`we will not go into government with Sinn Fein` yet this third and more likely & achievable option would surely include Sinn Fein?`
Below is the TUV Party Election Broadcast
Mid-Ulster Analysis
I have already posted about the DUP & Conservative-UUP candidates and i might as well cover the Mid-ulster TUC candidate now that their manifesto and PEB are out.
Walter Millar:
Website:- http://www.tuv.org.uk/press-releases/view/603/millar-for-mid-ulster
Doesn`t seem to have much of an online presence but Jim Allister & David Vance do:-
YouTube:- http://www.youtube.com/user/tuvonline
Vance:- http://www.davidvanceeastbelfast.com/
Twitter:- http://www.twitter.com/jimallister
Facebook:- http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=198802088202&v
jim allister,
traditional unionist voice,
walter millar
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Orange group's plan to develop 'vibrant society'
Orange group's plan to develop 'vibrant society'
Based on an article at:-
THE Orange Order in Co Armagh is expanding its role as a facilitator for the various community groups who use Orange halls in the county as venues for their work.
The Markethill-based County Armagh Community Development Committee (CACDC), operating since 2005 to support emerging groups in the county, has opened sub-offices in Lurgan and Portadown and a strategic plan is being launched for the next three years.
The committee's work will be spearheaded in a community development officer position by George Patton, the former executive officer with the Orange Order and former chief executive of the Ulster-Scots Agency.
Since 2005, the number of participating community groups has increased from six to 60, with help, advice, training and networking support provided by the committee.
The committee and its member groups have also forged cross-border links with groups in Co Monaghan.
Next Monday night, the CACDC will launch its strategic plan for the period 2010–2012 at Dan Winter's ancestral home at the Diamond, Loughgall, where the Orange Order was formed in 1795.
The committee has identified a number of key objectives:
* Providing support to member groups;
* Building the capacity of participants in member groups;
* Building on existing community participation across Protestant communities in Co Armagh;
* Playing an active role in building a better understanding of Protestant culture;
* Developing and build on the existing effectiveness of CACDC.
The plan sets out in detail how these objectives will be achieved and how in turn they will deliver the vision of "a confident and vibrant society in which people actively participate to realise their full potential".
A community development officer will be based in Brownlow House, Lurgan on Thursdays (9am to 2pm) and Mondays (7pm to 9pm) and Carleton Street Orange hall, Portadown on Friday mornings (9.30am to 1pm) to offer advice and assistance to the groups.
Funding agencies for the CACDC include the Arts Council, Awards for All, Community Relations Council, Community Foundation for Northern Ireland, the Ulster-Scots Agency and Craigavon Borough Council.
The committee is also involved in a new project to help target isolation and social exclusion among the Protestant community in the Newtownhamilton area of south Armagh.
The programme will be launched next Thursday afternoon in Newtownhamilton Orange hall. The project is funded by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development under Rural Challenge Programme.
Based on an article at:-
THE Orange Order in Co Armagh is expanding its role as a facilitator for the various community groups who use Orange halls in the county as venues for their work.
The Markethill-based County Armagh Community Development Committee (CACDC), operating since 2005 to support emerging groups in the county, has opened sub-offices in Lurgan and Portadown and a strategic plan is being launched for the next three years.
The committee's work will be spearheaded in a community development officer position by George Patton, the former executive officer with the Orange Order and former chief executive of the Ulster-Scots Agency.
Since 2005, the number of participating community groups has increased from six to 60, with help, advice, training and networking support provided by the committee.
The committee and its member groups have also forged cross-border links with groups in Co Monaghan.
Next Monday night, the CACDC will launch its strategic plan for the period 2010–2012 at Dan Winter's ancestral home at the Diamond, Loughgall, where the Orange Order was formed in 1795.
The committee has identified a number of key objectives:
* Providing support to member groups;
* Building the capacity of participants in member groups;
* Building on existing community participation across Protestant communities in Co Armagh;
* Playing an active role in building a better understanding of Protestant culture;
* Developing and build on the existing effectiveness of CACDC.
The plan sets out in detail how these objectives will be achieved and how in turn they will deliver the vision of "a confident and vibrant society in which people actively participate to realise their full potential".
A community development officer will be based in Brownlow House, Lurgan on Thursdays (9am to 2pm) and Mondays (7pm to 9pm) and Carleton Street Orange hall, Portadown on Friday mornings (9.30am to 1pm) to offer advice and assistance to the groups.
Funding agencies for the CACDC include the Arts Council, Awards for All, Community Relations Council, Community Foundation for Northern Ireland, the Ulster-Scots Agency and Craigavon Borough Council.
The committee is also involved in a new project to help target isolation and social exclusion among the Protestant community in the Newtownhamilton area of south Armagh.
The programme will be launched next Thursday afternoon in Newtownhamilton Orange hall. The project is funded by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development under Rural Challenge Programme.
orange lodge,
orange order,
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Mid-Ulster election analysis: DUP
As a Unionist West of the Bann with an incumbent abstentionist Sinn Fein MP (Martin McGuinness) elected on almost half the vote (47.5%) and a whopping 11,000 majority (Ian McCrea of the DUP on 23.5% being the next nearest competitor) it can seem somewhat inconsequential as to whom you vote for (especially after all the recent scandals)....but here is the run down for a Unionist voter in Mid-Ulster in 2010:-
Ian McCrea for the DUP:
Website:- http://ianmccrea.com
Party:- http://www.dup.org.uk
Twitter:- http://twitter.com/ianmccreamla
Facebook:- http://www.facebook.com/ian.mccrea
FB Group:- http://bit.ly/bY7N3v
DUP FB:- http://bit.ly/d95mOZ
YouTube:- http://www.youtube.com/user/dupchannel
Manifesto:- http://www.dup.org.uk/Manifesto2010.asp
A Cookstown councillor and Northern Ireland Assembly MLA, son of prominent DUP MP Rev William McCrea who previously was MP for Mid-Ulster until 1997 when boundry changes saw Sinn Fein take and keep the seat (McCrea Snr currently elected as MP for South Antrim).
BBC News - Party Election Broadcasts - General Election 2010: http://bit.ly/aelBbO All the UK Party Election Broadcasts so far.
Ian McCrea for the DUP:
Website:- http://ianmccrea.com
Party:- http://www.dup.org.uk
Twitter:- http://twitter.com/ianmccreamla
Facebook:- http://www.facebook.com/ian.mccrea
FB Group:- http://bit.ly/bY7N3v
DUP FB:- http://bit.ly/d95mOZ
YouTube:- http://www.youtube.com/user/dupchannel
Manifesto:- http://www.dup.org.uk/Manifesto2010.asp
A Cookstown councillor and Northern Ireland Assembly MLA, son of prominent DUP MP Rev William McCrea who previously was MP for Mid-Ulster until 1997 when boundry changes saw Sinn Fein take and keep the seat (McCrea Snr currently elected as MP for South Antrim).
BBC News - Party Election Broadcasts - General Election 2010: http://bit.ly/aelBbO All the UK Party Election Broadcasts so far.
Mid-Ulster election analysis: Conservatives & Unionists
As a Unionist West of the Bann with an incumbent abstentionist Sinn Fein MP (Martin McGuinness) elected on almost half the vote (47.5%) and a whopping 11,000 majority (Ian McCrea of the DUP on 23.5% being the next nearest competitor) it can seem somewhat inconsequential as to whom you vote for (especially after all the recent scandals)....but here is the run down for a Unionist voter in Mid-Ulster in 2010:-
Sandra Overend for the Conservatives & Unionists:
(joint Ulster Unionist Party & Tory ticket)
Website:- http://www.facebook.com/sandra.overend
Party:- http://www.voteforchangeni.com
Twitter:- http://twitter.com/uuponline
Facebook:- http://www.facebook.com/sandra.overend
FB:- http://www.facebook.com/votesandra4change?ref=ts
FB Group:- http://bit.ly/bIqjgK
Blog:- http://vote4changeni.blogspot.com/
YouTube:- http://www.youtube.com/user/ulsterunionist
Manifesto:- http://www.conservatives.com/Policy/Manifesto.aspx
(Joint UUP/Tory Northern Ireland Manifesto to follow)
Sandra has her own election video at:- http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150150918000234
Well at least they seem to have dropped the awful UCUNF (Ulster conservatives & Unionists - New Froce) moniker. Sandra is the daughter of the current MLA for the area , Ulster Unionist Billy Armstrong MLA. The Northern Ireland C&U manifesto has yet to be released but will be inline with the main Conservative Vote For Change manifesto link to above. The NI manifesto will invariably be available from the VoteforChangeNI website. She is the only local candidate I know of that has her own election video. The two C&U Party election Broadcasts are below along with the two Conservative PEB.
BBC News - Party Election Broadcasts - General Election 2010: http://bit.ly/aelBbO All the UK Party Election Broadcasts so far.
Sandra Overend for the Conservatives & Unionists:
(joint Ulster Unionist Party & Tory ticket)
Website:- http://www.facebook.com/sandra.overend
Party:- http://www.voteforchangeni.com
Twitter:- http://twitter.com/uuponline
Facebook:- http://www.facebook.com/sandra.overend
FB:- http://www.facebook.com/votesandra4change?ref=ts
FB Group:- http://bit.ly/bIqjgK
Blog:- http://vote4changeni.blogspot.com/
YouTube:- http://www.youtube.com/user/ulsterunionist
Manifesto:- http://www.conservatives.com/Policy/Manifesto.aspx
(Joint UUP/Tory Northern Ireland Manifesto to follow)
Sandra has her own election video at:- http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150150918000234
Well at least they seem to have dropped the awful UCUNF (Ulster conservatives & Unionists - New Froce) moniker. Sandra is the daughter of the current MLA for the area , Ulster Unionist Billy Armstrong MLA. The Northern Ireland C&U manifesto has yet to be released but will be inline with the main Conservative Vote For Change manifesto link to above. The NI manifesto will invariably be available from the VoteforChangeNI website. She is the only local candidate I know of that has her own election video. The two C&U Party election Broadcasts are below along with the two Conservative PEB.
BBC News - Party Election Broadcasts - General Election 2010: http://bit.ly/aelBbO All the UK Party Election Broadcasts so far.
sandra overend,
ulster unionists,
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Courting the electorate
Some interesting articles about the various ethnic or groups of voters in the media at the moment, particularly Christians.
The Belfast Telegraph reports:
"Fewer than half of all Asians in Britain are likely to vote in the General Election, a new survey suggests.
Just 44% of Asians said they would vote on May 6, a poll for digital radio station BBC Asian Network found.
This compares to 55% of the general population, according to an ICM poll for the Guardian last week.
Among the Asian voters who said they would head to the polling booths, people of Indian origin were the most enthusiastic (51%), followed by Bangladeshis (39%) and Pakistanis (38%).
Research by the BBC Asian Network found there were more Asian candidates standing for the main parties than ever before - 89 compared to 68 in 2005. "
ELECTION hopefuls also took their first stab at persuading the Irish community of their commitment last week at the House of Commons according to The Irish Post
"Representatives of the three main political parties outlined their understanding of the Irish agenda at the launch of the Federation of Irish Societies’ ‘Make Irish Votes Count’ campaign."
Whilst The Guardian has a piece on Christians in Scotland and another on the Jewish vote and BBC Wales has an article on `The God Vote`
"The Westminster 2010 Declaration, signed by former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey and Cardinal O'Brien, the leader of Catholics in Scotland, has some strong advice for the one in 10 or so people thought to attend church every week. Christians should work to ensure "religious liberty and freedom of conscience are unequivocally protected against interference by the state and other threats", while they "will not be intimidated by any cultural or political power into silence or acquiescence".
The declaration goes on: "We call upon all those in UK positions of leadership, responsibility and influence to pledge to respect, uphold and protect the right of Christians to hold these beliefs and to act according to Christian conscience."
Its website encourages voters to e-mail parliamentary candidates to find out their views.
More than 30,000 people have backed the declaration.
Paul Woolley, director of the Christian think-tank Theos, said: "The fact that the election looks very close will give a certain relevance to the question of whether Christians can influence voting."
He added that, despite a commonly held view that British public life is becoming ever-more secular, parties had been "working hard to make inroads into faith-based communities and organisations"."
It continues............
"Elizabeth Berridge, chairman of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, thinks low turnout at elections means Christians play an important role, as they are more likely to vote than most people - with about 80% doing so........Over the last few years, explicitly faith-based political parties, tired of compromise, have featured more prominently at elections.
A spokesman for the Christian Peoples Alliance, which is putting up 17 general election candidates, said: "The big parties are trying to pursue big-tent politics, looking to reach out to the largest possible spectrum. That's the politics of the last century. We are building for the politics of tomorrow."
He added: "There is a compromised moral relativism which is endemic in British politics. The moral compass has to be pointed north if we are to get away from big-tent politics."
The alliance harbours long-term ambitions of emulating Christian Democrats in much of northern Europe, where they are effectively the main conservative parties.
The spokesman said that policies like cutting inner-city poverty, restricting bankers' bonuses and giving financial help to mothers and fathers who want to care for their children, rather than return to work, would prove popular in the long term.........
....Christian Party leader George Hargreaves said: "Most of our general election candidates are in marginal seats. We can have a king-maker effect, depending on what message we want to send out........"We will look at other parties' candidates in full to see what they stand for. That's democracy in action."
They are encouraging Christians to look at politics through the prism of their own beliefs. If the electoral sums on 6 May add up, "doing God" might not be a rarity in British politics for much longer."
The Belfast Telegraph reports that "Prime Minister Gordon Brown hailed Christian churches as "the conscience of our country" in his Easter greeting posted on the Downing Street website.
The Prime Minister's Good Friday missive hailed the "redeeming power of faith" and said the forthcoming official visit of Pope Benedict would make this a special year for the UK.
"Easter is the most important date in the Christian calendar because it is when we reflect on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus," he wrote.
"Christians all over Britain and the world will be celebrating in their homes and churches and thinking about the redeeming power of faith."
The Belfast Telegraph reports:
"Fewer than half of all Asians in Britain are likely to vote in the General Election, a new survey suggests.
Just 44% of Asians said they would vote on May 6, a poll for digital radio station BBC Asian Network found.
This compares to 55% of the general population, according to an ICM poll for the Guardian last week.
Among the Asian voters who said they would head to the polling booths, people of Indian origin were the most enthusiastic (51%), followed by Bangladeshis (39%) and Pakistanis (38%).
Research by the BBC Asian Network found there were more Asian candidates standing for the main parties than ever before - 89 compared to 68 in 2005. "
ELECTION hopefuls also took their first stab at persuading the Irish community of their commitment last week at the House of Commons according to The Irish Post
"Representatives of the three main political parties outlined their understanding of the Irish agenda at the launch of the Federation of Irish Societies’ ‘Make Irish Votes Count’ campaign."
Whilst The Guardian has a piece on Christians in Scotland and another on the Jewish vote and BBC Wales has an article on `The God Vote`
"The Westminster 2010 Declaration, signed by former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey and Cardinal O'Brien, the leader of Catholics in Scotland, has some strong advice for the one in 10 or so people thought to attend church every week. Christians should work to ensure "religious liberty and freedom of conscience are unequivocally protected against interference by the state and other threats", while they "will not be intimidated by any cultural or political power into silence or acquiescence".
The declaration goes on: "We call upon all those in UK positions of leadership, responsibility and influence to pledge to respect, uphold and protect the right of Christians to hold these beliefs and to act according to Christian conscience."
Its website encourages voters to e-mail parliamentary candidates to find out their views.
More than 30,000 people have backed the declaration.
Paul Woolley, director of the Christian think-tank Theos, said: "The fact that the election looks very close will give a certain relevance to the question of whether Christians can influence voting."
He added that, despite a commonly held view that British public life is becoming ever-more secular, parties had been "working hard to make inroads into faith-based communities and organisations"."
It continues............
"Elizabeth Berridge, chairman of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, thinks low turnout at elections means Christians play an important role, as they are more likely to vote than most people - with about 80% doing so........Over the last few years, explicitly faith-based political parties, tired of compromise, have featured more prominently at elections.
A spokesman for the Christian Peoples Alliance, which is putting up 17 general election candidates, said: "The big parties are trying to pursue big-tent politics, looking to reach out to the largest possible spectrum. That's the politics of the last century. We are building for the politics of tomorrow."
He added: "There is a compromised moral relativism which is endemic in British politics. The moral compass has to be pointed north if we are to get away from big-tent politics."
The alliance harbours long-term ambitions of emulating Christian Democrats in much of northern Europe, where they are effectively the main conservative parties.
The spokesman said that policies like cutting inner-city poverty, restricting bankers' bonuses and giving financial help to mothers and fathers who want to care for their children, rather than return to work, would prove popular in the long term.........
....Christian Party leader George Hargreaves said: "Most of our general election candidates are in marginal seats. We can have a king-maker effect, depending on what message we want to send out........"We will look at other parties' candidates in full to see what they stand for. That's democracy in action."
They are encouraging Christians to look at politics through the prism of their own beliefs. If the electoral sums on 6 May add up, "doing God" might not be a rarity in British politics for much longer."
The Belfast Telegraph reports that "Prime Minister Gordon Brown hailed Christian churches as "the conscience of our country" in his Easter greeting posted on the Downing Street website.
The Prime Minister's Good Friday missive hailed the "redeeming power of faith" and said the forthcoming official visit of Pope Benedict would make this a special year for the UK.
"Easter is the most important date in the Christian calendar because it is when we reflect on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus," he wrote.
"Christians all over Britain and the world will be celebrating in their homes and churches and thinking about the redeeming power of faith."
Orange Order march through London
Orange Order march through London | Demotix.com
The Orange Order in conjunction with the Loyal Orange Lodge 1689 and Oxford Martyrs Memorial LOL213 marched from Palace Street to St. James square in memory of William of Orange, the Dutch Prince who became King of England, Scotland and Ireland in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. A wreath was laid at the cenotaph in memory of the Crown Forces and Yvonne Fletcher, a police officer who was shot dead outside the Libyan embassy during a protest on April 17th 1984. London, United Kingdom, 17/04/2010.
The Orange Order in conjunction with the Loyal Orange Lodge 1689 and Oxford Martyrs Memorial LOL213 marched from Palace Street to St. James square in memory of William of Orange, the Dutch Prince who became King of England, Scotland and Ireland in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. A wreath was laid at the cenotaph in memory of the Crown Forces and Yvonne Fletcher, a police officer who was shot dead outside the Libyan embassy during a protest on April 17th 1984. London, United Kingdom, 17/04/2010.
VC hero honoured in his homeland after 93 years
VC hero honoured in his homeland after 93 years - The Scotsman
Lance Corporal Samuel Frickleton, of Slamannan, Stirlingshire, was awarded the military's highest honour for his actions in the Battle of Messines on 7 June, 1917. His bravery was so outstanding that his commanding officer claimed he could have won the Victoria Cross "twice over".
Yet, because he had emigrated to New Zealand before the conflict, his heroism has been largely unknown in his native land until now, and on Saturday a memorial cairn will be unveiled in the village of his birth.
The memorial service has been organised by James Kerr, 47, a member of the Slamannan Orange Lodge, and Robert Jack, a relative of Frickleton, after they discovered the astonishing story.
read the full story at the link above.
Lance Corporal Samuel Frickleton, of Slamannan, Stirlingshire, was awarded the military's highest honour for his actions in the Battle of Messines on 7 June, 1917. His bravery was so outstanding that his commanding officer claimed he could have won the Victoria Cross "twice over".
Yet, because he had emigrated to New Zealand before the conflict, his heroism has been largely unknown in his native land until now, and on Saturday a memorial cairn will be unveiled in the village of his birth.
The memorial service has been organised by James Kerr, 47, a member of the Slamannan Orange Lodge, and Robert Jack, a relative of Frickleton, after they discovered the astonishing story.
read the full story at the link above.
Red Hand, Shared Hand & some Ulster history
Found this interesting collection of images on Mark Thompson`s Flickr as well as an interesting new blog post about his newly published leaflet `Sir Thomas Smith’s forgotten English Colony of the Ards and north Down in 1572` to be launched in Ards Arts Centre (the old Town Hall) on Friday 14th May. Published through Loughries Historical Society (and without the help of Mr Balmoral the booklet would never have happened!), with the printing funded by Ards Borough Council, North Down Museum and the Ulster-Scots Community Network, it lifts the lid on what was going on in the Ards and north Down before the Lowland Scots arrived with Hamilton and Montgomery to settle exactly the same region in May 1606. The booklet has 40 pages in total, and is lavishly illustrated throughout with some very rare maps and portraits which took ages to track down. You can read more about it here:-
Red Hand, Shared Hand
The Red Hand of Ulster is a symbol which has been misrepresented and misunderstood for at least the past generation. This Flickr gallery is an ever-growing collection of images of cross community, non-political, non-paramilitary usages of the Red Hand of Ulster - a symbol which should be reclaimed and restored to mainstream usage.
(With thanks to the many people who have sent me images to include here)
Red Hand, Shared Hand
The Red Hand of Ulster is a symbol which has been misrepresented and misunderstood for at least the past generation. This Flickr gallery is an ever-growing collection of images of cross community, non-political, non-paramilitary usages of the Red Hand of Ulster - a symbol which should be reclaimed and restored to mainstream usage.
(With thanks to the many people who have sent me images to include here)
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
New proposals for parades body
New proposals for parades body
Based on a story from the BBC
Proposals for a new way to deal with contentious parades in Northern Ireland have been published.
They include plans for two new bodies to replace the Government-appointed Parades Commission.
The blueprint envisages a new focus on dialogue between rival groups to avoid violence seen in the past.
Under a code of conduct, residents will have the right to live free from sectarian harassment while it will be illegal to block a lawful parade.
Marchers and protesters will be expected to take part in dialogue and a refusal to do so will be taken into account by the new body.
A review of parading formed part of the Hillsborough Agreement. The DUP and Sinn Fein set up a six-strong group to work on the matter following the deal in January.
Their brief was to propose a new and improved framework to rule on controversial marches, including a focus on local solutions, mediation and adjudication.
The current Parades Commission will be replaced by two new organisations.
First, an office where people can apply for permission to hold a parade or a protest.
Second, an adjudication body which will decide what happens in the event of a dispute.
Under the plans Justice minister David Ford would be given the power to ban a parade
The body will consist of 11 people, drawn from across the community, who will split into two panels of five to consider individual parades and protests.
The new arrangements would write into law people's right to live in freedom from sectarian harassment.
But it would also make it an offence to prevent or disrupt a lawful public assembly or parades.
There is an incentive for all sides to engage in dialogue - and failure to do so can be taken into account by the adjudication body.
The new minister for Justice, David Ford, would be given the power to ban a parade which currently rests with the Secretary of State Shaun Woodward.
However, he could only do this with the backing of both the first and deputy first ministers.
The NI First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness launched the public consultation on Tuesday.
Mr Robinson said: "Following the agreement reached at Hillsborough Castle on 5 February, we set a challenging timetable for the Working Group on Parades to produce a report.
"The group presented its report to us on 23 February."
Mr McGuinness said: "A consultation process across a range of stakeholders including public representatives and representatives of residents' groups has informed the report.
"We look forward to considering the comments and submissions received in response to the draft document in the coming months."
The public are being invited to give their view on the draft parading bill and code of conduct over the next 12 weeks.
Nationalist residents in mainly working-class areas like north Belfast and Portadown, County Armagh, oppose Orange Order processions in their areas because they view them as triumphalist.
Members of the loyal orders accuse residents of going out of their way to be offended and maintain it is their traditional right to demonstrate on the streets.
Click below for the consultation
http://ping.fm/Ehraa http://bit.ly/cheuHs
Based on a story from the BBC
Proposals for a new way to deal with contentious parades in Northern Ireland have been published.
They include plans for two new bodies to replace the Government-appointed Parades Commission.
The blueprint envisages a new focus on dialogue between rival groups to avoid violence seen in the past.
Under a code of conduct, residents will have the right to live free from sectarian harassment while it will be illegal to block a lawful parade.
Marchers and protesters will be expected to take part in dialogue and a refusal to do so will be taken into account by the new body.
A review of parading formed part of the Hillsborough Agreement. The DUP and Sinn Fein set up a six-strong group to work on the matter following the deal in January.
Their brief was to propose a new and improved framework to rule on controversial marches, including a focus on local solutions, mediation and adjudication.
The current Parades Commission will be replaced by two new organisations.
First, an office where people can apply for permission to hold a parade or a protest.
Second, an adjudication body which will decide what happens in the event of a dispute.
Under the plans Justice minister David Ford would be given the power to ban a parade
The body will consist of 11 people, drawn from across the community, who will split into two panels of five to consider individual parades and protests.
The new arrangements would write into law people's right to live in freedom from sectarian harassment.
But it would also make it an offence to prevent or disrupt a lawful public assembly or parades.
There is an incentive for all sides to engage in dialogue - and failure to do so can be taken into account by the adjudication body.
The new minister for Justice, David Ford, would be given the power to ban a parade which currently rests with the Secretary of State Shaun Woodward.
However, he could only do this with the backing of both the first and deputy first ministers.
The NI First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness launched the public consultation on Tuesday.
Mr Robinson said: "Following the agreement reached at Hillsborough Castle on 5 February, we set a challenging timetable for the Working Group on Parades to produce a report.
"The group presented its report to us on 23 February."
Mr McGuinness said: "A consultation process across a range of stakeholders including public representatives and representatives of residents' groups has informed the report.
"We look forward to considering the comments and submissions received in response to the draft document in the coming months."
The public are being invited to give their view on the draft parading bill and code of conduct over the next 12 weeks.
Nationalist residents in mainly working-class areas like north Belfast and Portadown, County Armagh, oppose Orange Order processions in their areas because they view them as triumphalist.
Members of the loyal orders accuse residents of going out of their way to be offended and maintain it is their traditional right to demonstrate on the streets.
Click below for the consultation
http://ping.fm/Ehraa http://bit.ly/cheuHs
Academy rejects painting of Irish clerics in hell
The Roman Catholic Church is getting it tight from it`s own adherents.
From: http://ping.fm/KcoJY
From: http://ping.fm/KcoJY
'Educating Ourselves' A Phenomenal Success In Co. Fermanagh
Orange Standard
'Educating Ourselves' A Phenomenal Success In Co. Fermanagh
Article 4 ~ April 2010
Enniskillen District Hall was packed on the evening of Tuesday 16th March for the presentation of certificates to the participants of a very successful Educating Ourselves programme, devised by Schomberg House.
The Grand Master, Robert Saulters and Deputy Grand Master, Edward Stevenson both journeyed down to make the presentations to a long line of 175 people who all took part in the programme. The programme was run in conjunction with Fermanagh District Council and was held in four venues across the County which were Brookeborough, Enniskillen, Irvinestown and Lisnaskea. The course consisted of four weekly modules made up of historical talks, quizzes, roleplays, musical sections and discussions. Participants were taught about the Williamite Wars, the formation and growth of the Orange Order, turbulent times in the 19th century and its role in modern society.
As well as being educational, the course proved to be very entertaining for both the tutors and participants. The audience in the District Hall were treated to some of the entertaining roleplays on the night.
As well as being presented with their certificates, the participants were also able to meet the staff of Schomberg House who had all travelled down for the occasion. Our archivist Dr Jonathan Mattison, was on hand to examine artefacts which people had brought along and give advice on other historical matters. He was very excited to see a teapot from 1688, believed to have been rescued from the time of the Siege of Londonderry, which was brought along by Mrs Valerie Johnston.
Also on hand was our Director of Services, Dr David Hume, who gave information on the Sir George Clark Memorial Bursary Fund and also gave the participants an insight on how the Orange Standard newspaper is put together each month. Mrs Linda Maye advised on Orange Standard accounts and the Lord Enniskillen Memorial Orange Orphan Society and Elaine Huddleston brought the Schomberg Shop which proved a big hit with the Fermanagh Folk.
The Community Education Officer, David Scott acted as compere for the evening and ensured everything went smoothly. He thanked Fermanagh District Council for their financial help in getting the programme off the ground and also praised the efforts of their Good Relations Officer, Tommy McLaughlin for his hard work throughout. He also thanked the County Fermanagh Grand Lodge Officers for their support and praised the three tutors who gave up their time to successfully deliver the programme - John Orr, Joe Graham and Barrett Rennick. He thanked his assistant Claire Acheson for the administrative support provided throughout the programme and his other colleagues down in Schomberg House for the roles they played in making the night a success.
The Education Officer said that he hoped that other councils would come on board so this very successful programme can be repeated throughout Northern Ireland. http://bit.ly/bpH48D
'Educating Ourselves' A Phenomenal Success In Co. Fermanagh
Article 4 ~ April 2010
Enniskillen District Hall was packed on the evening of Tuesday 16th March for the presentation of certificates to the participants of a very successful Educating Ourselves programme, devised by Schomberg House.
The Grand Master, Robert Saulters and Deputy Grand Master, Edward Stevenson both journeyed down to make the presentations to a long line of 175 people who all took part in the programme. The programme was run in conjunction with Fermanagh District Council and was held in four venues across the County which were Brookeborough, Enniskillen, Irvinestown and Lisnaskea. The course consisted of four weekly modules made up of historical talks, quizzes, roleplays, musical sections and discussions. Participants were taught about the Williamite Wars, the formation and growth of the Orange Order, turbulent times in the 19th century and its role in modern society.
As well as being educational, the course proved to be very entertaining for both the tutors and participants. The audience in the District Hall were treated to some of the entertaining roleplays on the night.
As well as being presented with their certificates, the participants were also able to meet the staff of Schomberg House who had all travelled down for the occasion. Our archivist Dr Jonathan Mattison, was on hand to examine artefacts which people had brought along and give advice on other historical matters. He was very excited to see a teapot from 1688, believed to have been rescued from the time of the Siege of Londonderry, which was brought along by Mrs Valerie Johnston.
Also on hand was our Director of Services, Dr David Hume, who gave information on the Sir George Clark Memorial Bursary Fund and also gave the participants an insight on how the Orange Standard newspaper is put together each month. Mrs Linda Maye advised on Orange Standard accounts and the Lord Enniskillen Memorial Orange Orphan Society and Elaine Huddleston brought the Schomberg Shop which proved a big hit with the Fermanagh Folk.
The Community Education Officer, David Scott acted as compere for the evening and ensured everything went smoothly. He thanked Fermanagh District Council for their financial help in getting the programme off the ground and also praised the efforts of their Good Relations Officer, Tommy McLaughlin for his hard work throughout. He also thanked the County Fermanagh Grand Lodge Officers for their support and praised the three tutors who gave up their time to successfully deliver the programme - John Orr, Joe Graham and Barrett Rennick. He thanked his assistant Claire Acheson for the administrative support provided throughout the programme and his other colleagues down in Schomberg House for the roles they played in making the night a success.
The Education Officer said that he hoped that other councils would come on board so this very successful programme can be repeated throughout Northern Ireland. http://bit.ly/bpH48D
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