---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Duntroon Publishing
Date: 1 April 2011 15:12
Subject: FW: IMPORTANT NOTICE + single user copy PIPING WORLD D25 APRIL 2011
To: duntroonpublishing@hotmail.com
Welcome to PIPING WORLD, the world's first, and still only,
exclusively digital piping magazine.
This issue comes in two parts;
1 PIPING WORLD DIGITAL which is our free digital publication and also
our service to the international piping community.
2 PIPING WORLD GOLD which is a new and expanded version (100+ pages)
of our highly acclaimed magazine and available on a 12 issue annual
subscription basis at a small cost of £12 per annum - which will go
towards helping to make this a bigger and better service in the
future. You can click to our subs page direct from inside the magazine
or through this link
http://www.duntroonpublishing.com/page5.html If you weant a quick digest version then PIPING WORLD DIGITAL will
fill your needs, but if you want to explore the fascinating subject of
piping in more depth then I hope that PIPING WORLD GOLD will be a good
choice for you. A regular series of susbscriber offers and also free
giveaways is also looming.
You have received this copy (available in pdf format via the attached
file) because you are on our regular subscription list, a friend
suggested your address or you have asked directly. I hope you enjoy
reading our pages; if you wish to keep receiving it every month just
do nothing - on the other hand if you do not wish to receive it send
us an email and your address will be removed immediately (along with
our apologies). This is a FREE magazine - there is no catch; it is our
service to the international piping community.
It is important to note that conditions of receiving this magazine are
that you respect our copyright; this magazine may not be placed on a
web site, nor any article contained used for anything other than your
personal use. Neither should this magazine be forwarded to others, it
is strictly a 'single user' copy - we will happily send out copies of
this magazine, under the same conditions and free of charge, to any
address you nominate.
If you want to keep up with the latest news as we continue to expand
our horizons (and there is a LOT of expansion planned in 2011) please
visit our website ww.duntroonpublishing.com
Bruce Campbell
PIPING WORLD has 20,000+ readers including world champion soloists and
pipe band players ... as well as social players.
It's jam packed full of great archival articles, misses out on the
'dirge' of ad nauseum competition write-ups that the others carry -
Aye that's right, absolutely, jock-jumping, highland-shouting,
chanter-blasting FREE ...... every month direct into your email box -
just send us as an email message with 'SUBSCRIBE PIPING WORLD' in the
subject box and we'll do the rest.
www.pipingworld.co.uk www.duntroonpublishing.com www.pipingschool.co.uk SNAIL
120 St Oswald's Avenue
CH43 7ZH
TEL 0151 652 9426
MOB 077 5984 5201
Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster