Dear All ,
The Arts Council’s Musical Instruments for Bands Grant is opening on Monday!!
The programme opens 9 May 2011 and deadline for applications is 4pm on
2 June 2011.
This is a very tight turnaround time and the application has to be
accompanied by a number of policies, quotes and attachments.
The Ulster Scots Community Network in conjunction with the
Confederation of Ulster Bands & RSPBA (NI) are hosting 2 informal
information sessions on Wednesday 11th May 2011. We appreciate that
this is short notice but feel that it is important to get bands
started on applications etc as soon as possible due to the short
application window.
These will take place simultaneously in the Royal Hotel, Cookstown and
the Island Centre, Lisburn - both commencing at 8pm.
The format of these will incorporate an overview of the scheme,
guidance on filling out the form, help with the attachments required
as well as providing handouts for further reference. It is anticipated
to last for approximately 1 hour, with tea/coffee also being provided.
Although these information sessions are not organised by the funders
(ACNI) this is an invaluable opportunity for your band to obtain
guidance and hopefully result in a successful application.
Some details are as yet unconfirmed however it is anticipated that the
maximum application per band will be £5k - as yet the total budget is
unconfirmed. It is expected that bands who have previously been
awarded this funding from 2004-2011 will be excluded.
In order to register a place/s at one of these events, please email
your name/s, band and contact details to before
1pm on Wednesday 11th May.
As up-take is expected to be high, you are advised to register as soon
as possible. Spaces are restricted to 1 or 2 attendees per band
As mentioned previously, it is important to remember that the window
of opportunity is very short (only 3 weeks after the date of these
meetings) In preparation for applying and in advance of these
sessions, bands can start to prepare by ensuring the following items
are in place -
· Constitution,
· Band bank account (at least two unrelated authorized signatories)
· Details of competition results in last two years (if relevant)
· List of activities for previous two years and a projection of
activity for incoming year (parades, competitions, concerts etc)
· A recent recording of the band -
· Two quotes for the instruments required - confirming a
delivery date prior to Feb 2012
· Safeguarding/Child Protection policies
· Equality/Equal opportunities policy
· Most recent annual statement of accounts (for the period as
stipulated in your Constitution) - audited and signed by an
independent person
· Copy of the minute of the meeting at which the annual
accounts were agreed by the committee
· Projected accounts for current year
(Assistance and guidance can be provided on the night if you do not
have some of the above documents)
These information sessions proved very successful in 2010 with approx
70% of the successful applicants having attended one of the sessions.
Best Regards,
Iain Carlisle
Ulster-Scots Community Network
68 - 72 Great Victoria Street
Tel. 028 90 436710 Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster