Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Free Media Skills Seminar

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>
Date: 6 November 2012 10:12

Dear All,

Please find details of upcoming media skills seminar organised by the Orange STRIPE Project team which may be of interest to your group - for further details contact Richard Forsythe at the numbers below.






You and members of your group, loyal order or band are invited to attend a Free media skills seminar:

Venue: Belmont Hotel, Banbridge (Cupids and Damask Room)

Date and Time: 14th November 2012, 7.00-9.00 pm

There has been much discussion and publicity recently regarding the media and its relationship with the loyal orders, bands and wider Protestant community. This media seminar will begin to address what skills are needed to engage with the media in order to positively represent yourself, group and community. This is a great opportunity for your group to gain media understanding and skills in order to tackle negative perceptions around your events and activities.

The seminar will provide a first step for people who want to become more media skilled. There will be an opportunity to register for 2 further workshops that will take place on 28th November 2012 and 5th December 2012, 7.00-9.00 pm. Workshops will cover the following:

·         presentation skills e.g. power points presentations, seminar presentations

·         media skills, including body language and some filming and review of same

·         e.g. press releases, how to deliver the right message.

Please contact Richard Forsythe to register for a place(s) at this event on Wednesday 14th November or to receive further information. I would also ask you to circulate this event to people from loyal orders, bands and groups who may be interested.

Kind Regards

Richard Forsythe

Leadership Development Officer



Brownlow House

Windsor Avenue


County Armagh

BT67 9BG

Tel: 028 3832 6986

Mobile: 0755 3367 307

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Friday, 26 October 2012

DCAL - Ulster-Scots Strategy -- Your views are needed!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>
Date: 25 October 2012 16:38
Subject: DCAL - Ulster-Scots Strategy -- Your views are needed!!!
To: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>

Dear All,

As you know the Department of Culture Arts & Leisure have produce a strategy for Ulster-Scots which is currently open for Public Consultation until 27th November.


The Ulster-Scots Community Network (USCN) are keen to encourage as many Ulster-Scots groups as possible to respond  to the consultation. This is the only chance our community really have to influence future policy decisions. 

The consultation is open to the entire Ulster-Scots community and other interested parties – so your views are important and will be very much appreciated.


We at USCN fully appreciate that many Ulster-Scots groups are effectively managed by a few volunteers - and as such, responding to weighty policy documents is a time consuming and often thankless job.

With this in mind - we have attached our planned response - with which you may or may not agree.

Groups are welcome to use some or all of the material from our response - or to simply drop an email to info@ulster-scots.com stating that you agree with the position adopted by USCN - this will greatly add to the weight attached to our response.


Please find attached a copy of the  DCAL  Consultation and the planned response from Ulster-Scots Community Network -  I would again encourage as many of you as possible to make a response in one of the ways outlined above as we believe this is an important opportunity to make your views known.


With best regards,




Iain Carlisle

Ulster-Scots Community Network

68 -7 2 Great Victoria Street



T. 028 90 436710

E. iainc@ulster-scots.com

W. www.ulster-scots.com


Consultation on Ulster Scots language, heritage and culture strategy.pdf.pdf Download this file

DCAL Strategy Response Oct 2012.doc.doc Download this file

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Friday, 12 October 2012

Upcoming Events - Scottish Country Dance & Banjo workshops

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Dear All,

Please find below, details of two upcoming events which may be of interest to you or your members –


·         The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (Belfast Branch) are holding a Day School on Saturday 20th October in Ballylesson Church Hall. The morning session is aimed at experienced dancers and the afternoon for beginners. Tutor for the day will be Margo Priestly from Edinburgh.

Costs - £6 per person per session

For more details contact Lyn Rankin tel: 028 90812249, email: lyn_rankin@hotmail.com


·         The Spectrum Centre, Shankill Rd, Belfast are hosting a Banjo workshop with the highly respected and talented player - John Dowling.

Running on Friday and Saturday 2nd and 3rd November at Spectrum

Costs     £35.00 (includes commemorative T-Shirt and one ticket for the Saturday Evening Concert with John Dowling and the Down and Out Bluegrass Band.  Extra concert tickets are available at £6.00 each)

For more details contact Bobby or Julie at 028 9050 4555 or email julie@spectrumcentre.com or bobby@spectrumcentre.com





Thanks & Regards,






Iain Carlisle

Ulster-Scots Community Network

68 -7 2 Great Victoria Street



T. 028 90 436710

E. iainc@ulster-scots.com

W. www.ulster-scots.com


Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Thursday, 4 October 2012

DCAL Strategy on Ulster-Scots - Update

Dear All,

Please remember about the DCAL strategy for Ulster-Scots which is currently open for consultation responses. It is important that as many groups/individuals take this opportunity to respond so that your voice can be heard at this stage. Responses should be made in writing or by email and should address the questions which are included at various stages throughout the document.


DCAL are also keen to have face to face engagement with the community and plan to facilitate a couple of focus group meetings where their staff will be available to discuss the document and take feedback from those in attendance. More details to follow.

Attached are a covering letter from DCAL and a copy of the consultation document – please take this opportunity to have your say.









Iain Carlisle

Ulster-Scots Community Network

68 -7 2 Great Victoria Street



T. 028 90 436710

E. iainc@ulster-scots.com

W. www.ulster-scots.com


DCAL Ulster Scots A5 Leaflet.pdf Download this file

Consultation on Ulster Scots strategy - Notification letter.pdf Download this file

Consultation on Ulster Scots language, heritage and culture strategy.pdf Download this file

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Ulster-Scots Agency Tuition

Letter to all groups re tuition 2013 roadshows.doc Download this file

Dear All,


Please find attached, a letter from the Ulster-Scots Agency detailing their forthcoming information sessions regarding the 2013 Music & Dance Tuition scheme which will open 1st October  and close on 26th October 2012.

USCN staff will be in attendance and as usual we will be happy to assist any bands requiring help or guidance.







Iain Carlisle

Ulster-Scots Community Network

68 -7 2 Great Victoria Street



T. 028 90 436710

E. iainc@ulster-scots.com

W. www.ulster-scots.com


Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Ulster Scots should have independence vote - Dr David Hume

Ulster Scots Speech 24.9.12.doc Download this file

Media Please find attached latest press release on behalf of the Orange Order.
Dr David Hume is guest speaker at an Ulster Covenant commemoration event in Glasgow Evangelical Church this evening.
Ulster Scots should have independence vote - Orangeman

THE Orange Order's Director of Services has called on the Scottish government to allow Ulster Scots to vote in the referendum on the future of Scotland.
Dr David Hume was speaking at an event organised in Glasgow by the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland to commemorate the centenary of the Ulster Covenant.
He said that Ulster Scots had provided the first unifying factor in Scottish history in the 6th century and helped develop Scottish interests in Ireland and elsewhere from the 17th century.
"We are stakeholders as well. Surely a decision such as this should not ignore our input?" he said.
The Director of Services recalled the strong support for Ulster Unionism a century ago in Scotland, where thousands of Ulster exiles signed at locations including Glasgow, Edinburgh, Troon, Ayrshire and elsewhere.
"A century on, the constitutional future is clearer now. The constitutional status of Northern Ireland will not change without the consent of the people. But the Union that was so dear to the hearts of 471,414 men and women in 1912 is under threat in other ways,” he said.
“In 1912 Scots unionists watched anxiously for Ulster and in 2014 Ulster will watch anxiously for you as nationalists seek to win a referendum which would alter totally the constitution of our nation. A union without Scotland would be a poorer place."
"It would be our hope that the Scottish people remain with us and remain within the Union. Victory is not assured. No one should believe that. But you can be assured that we are with those who stand by the Union and we will not forsake you as your forefathers did not forsake us.
“Many of them were not born in Ulster so they could not sign the Covenant. But they held it in their hearts. We will not forget you for that and the continuing support you give to us."
Dr Hume continued: "It is a great privilege to be Scottish. But we should not mix up patriotism with nationalism. In 2014 there will be attempts to sell the two as one product. But people should not be confused. It is natural to be Scottish and support the Union. Within the Union there is cultural difference, and other differences too; that is the great value of the Union. It is a value which binds us together under common structures and ethos."
He added: "When the referendum comes in 2014 the SNP want to extend the vote to those who are 16 years of age and, presumably, more likely to vote as directed by the SNP. I would call on them to extend the referendum to the Ulster Scots. After all, we provided the first unifying force in Scotland in the 6th century AD and we later extended Scottish influence to Ireland in the 17th century. We are stakeholders as well. Surely a decision such as this should not ignore our input?"
Kind Regards, Bryan

Bryan Gray
Communications Officer

Grand Orange Lodge Of Ireland
Schomberg House
368 Cregagh Road
Belfast, BT6 9EY
Tel: 028 9070 1122 Fax: 028 9040 3700
Mobile: 07815 849670
Web: www.grandorangelodge.co.uk

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Fw: Soul of a Nation production

Covenant advert News letter.doc Download this file

Subject: Soul of a Nation production

Hi, we hope you may be interested in our Soul of a Nation production at the Ulster Hall on September 26. Tickets should be booked via the Ulster Hall. This will be a narrative with songs, music, dance and prose, telling the story of the Ulster Covenant of 1912. It will be a unique production and a must see for anyone interested in commemorating this period in our history. An enjoyable night is promised!!
David Hume

(Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland)

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Ulster Covenant Evening - Ardhowen Theatre, 28th September 2012

Ulster Covenant Evening Poster.pdf Download this file


See attached poster for the Ulster Covenant Evening in the Ardhowen Theatre on Friday 28th September 2012 at 8pm
Tickets are available from the Ardhowen Theatre, Tel: 028 6632 5440 or you can book online: www.ardhowentheatre.com

This is event is run by the Ulster Cultural & Historical Society (Co. Fermanagh), they would appreciate your support!

Those taking part are:
Lisbellaw Primary School Choir @ Linda Lindsay
Curran Flute Band (Magherafelt)
1147 Ers Ulster-Scots (Newmills)
Dr Jonathan Mattison
Omagh Display Team
Paul Irwin (Gospel Singer)

Compere is Austin Hunter (former BBC Correspondent)

If your visiting Enniskillen on Saturday 8th Sept for the Ulster Covenant Parade then your welcome to visit the Ulster Cultural & Historical Society Exhibition which will be on show in the Wellington Carpark directly beside Enniskillen Castle.


Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Thursday, 16 August 2012

IFI Community Leadership Programme

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>
Date: 16 August 2012 11:44
Subject: IFI Community Leadership Programme
To: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>

Dear All,

Please find below some information on the IFI Community Leadership Programme which has been extended for one more year.

Expressions of interest are now invited from groups who can provide 5 people to undertake the programme (12 month period with approximately  11 sessions)


More information can be found at www.communityleadershipprogramme.org  The closing date for expression of interest forms is 31 August 2012.


Free leadership training and a bursary of £2,500 or €2,750 for an action learning project for your community group.


Recruitment for this year of the IFI Community Leadership Programme (CLP) is now open. Please send your expression of interest to NICVA now.

Who’s it for?

•             Groups based in Northern Ireland and the six southern Border counties - Sligo, Louth, Leitrim, Monaghan, Cavan and Donegal.

•             Grass roots community groups that work with the whole community (not single issue groups).

•             Community groups that are willing to show leadership in their community and are committed to local regeneration and development

•             Group leadership ie Board/committee members

What does your group get?

•             Eight action learning sessions with a dedicated facilitator for your group.

•             Support with your governance through the governance health check, bespoke training and an action plan. Some groups can also have their governing documents reviewed or drafted.

•             Ongoing support and advice from NICVA, including a year’s free membership.

•             One year free subscription to Grant Tracker/Funding Point, online funding databases.

•             Networking at three roundtable workshops with others from the CLP.

•             Accreditation for five participants from your group in the Institute of Leadership and Management Award in leadership level 3.

•             Bursaries for up to two people from the group for the Certificate in Management Practice from University of Ulster.

•             Maximum bursary of £2,500/€2,750 for an action-learning project.

Further information and expression of interest forms are available on www. communityleadershipprogramme.org or by emailing clp@nicva.org

Groups interested in the 2012/2013 programme should complete an expression of interest form by 31 August 2012 and return to clp@nicva.org or CLP Coordinator, NICVA, 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast, BT15 2GB. A member of NICVA staff will then contact you and if suitable send you an application form to complete.


expression of interestyear4.doc Download this file

CLP recruitment article year4.docx Download this file

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Royal Black Institution Ulster Covenant Gospel Tract

Covenant Tract 1-3 A4 AW_72dpi.pdf Download this file

Royal Black Institution Ulster Covenant Gospel Tract

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Friday, 3 August 2012

August Ullans Alive E-Newsletter

ullans alive newsletter august12.pdf Download this file

Please find attached the August edition of the Ullans Alive E-Newsletter. Please copy and pass on as you wish.

Ullans Speakers Association

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

DCAL Ulster-Scots strategy

Consultation on Ulster Scots language, heritage and culture strategy.pdf Download this file

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>
Date: 1 August 2012 10:39
Subject: DCAL Ulster-Scotsd strategy
To: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>

Dear All,

Please find attached a copy of the recently published consultation for the DCAL Strategy for Ulster-Scots.

Consultation will close in November and I would encourage as many groups as possible to study the document and respond to the consultation.

USCN will prepare a comprehensive response and I will forward this to all member groups for their consideration prior to its submission.






Iain Carlisle

Ulster-Scots Community Network

68 – 72 Great Victoria St


BT21 7BB

T. 028 90 436710

E. iainc@ulster-scots.com


Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

School children 'could study Ulster-Scots for GCSE'

25 July 2012 Last updated at 11:36 
School children 'could study Ulster-Scots for GCSE'
By Robbie Meredith
BBC News

School children in Northern Ireland could be given the opportunity to study Ulster-Scots to GCSE or A Level.

The proposal is included in a strategy produced by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL).

The areas for action include promotion of Ulster Scots language and culture in education and the media.

DCAL have also produced a similar strategy for developing the Irish language.

The Strategy for Ulster Scots language, heritage and culture is currently out for public consultation.

It includes a number of proposals aimed at children in primary and secondary education.

These include developing a "an A-Level in Ulster Scots language, heritage and culture".

There are also plans to develop a GCSE level qualification, and to establish a unit in the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and assessment (CCEA) to provide learning and exam materials on Ulster-Scots.

The strategy also includes plans to increase the number of Ulster Scots programmes on television and the development of a "dedicated Ulster Scots language, heritage and culture radio station".

The strategy has been welcomed by leading Ulster-Scots activist Lord Laird who said that Ulster Scots had stamped its culture on other parts of the world particularly America.

"Seventeen presidents of the United States came from Ulster. Twelve men stood on the moon and two of them were Ulster men - people whose ancestors a few generations before came from Ulster," he said.

"I had no part in the writing of the Belfast Agreement. But in the Belfast Agreement it says that the Ulster Scots language, culture and heritage has equal status to that of Irish.

"A lot of people voted for it. We have found over the years we have not been able to cash in that cheque, for want of a better word, but we are slowly beginning to do this."

Consultation for the proposals ends on 27 November.

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

University of Ulster Exhibition Tells Story of Ulster-Scots Poetry

University of Ulster Exhibition Tells Story of Ulster-Scots Poetry

Published on Tuesday 24 July 2012 09:03

A touring exhibition on the influences that have shaped Ulster-Scots poetry has been launched by the University of Ulster.

Entitled ‘Every Townland Earned its Name in Song: John Hewitt’s Ulster-Scots Tradition’ is one of the centrepiece attractions at this year’s John Hewitt Summer School.

It will run at the Marketplace Theatre, Armagh, until 20 August, before touring theprovince and finishing at the Magee Campus in November 2013, as part of theUniversity of Ulster’s City of Culture activities.

Consisting of a state-of-the art series of panels that tell the story of John Hewitt’s fascination for the poetry of the Rhyming Weavers, the exhibition traces the history of the Scots language in Ulster and how it became an integral part of the poetry of local poets.

The narrative also follows the history of printing and the linen industry in the north of Ireland and how it had an impact on Ulster literature. There is a map showing where Ulster-Scots poets lived and wrote. Visitors can also nominate other poets to be included as the exhibition evolves and moves from venue to venue.

The centrepiece in Armagh will be a bronze bust of John Hewitt, which has been generously lent to the project by the Linen Hall Library. Later venues will include sound and filmrecordings and examples of Hewitt’s personal Ulster-Scots library.

The project is co-ordinated by Dr Frank Ferguson and Dr Kathryn White from the School of English and History and is designed by Professor John McMillan of the School of Art and Design.

Dr Ferguson said: “We are delighted to announce the launch of this exhibition. At the University of Ulster, we are particularly fortunate to have John Hewitt’s personal library of Ulster poetry books, and it is marvellous to get the opportunity to communicate the significance of Hewitt’s work to the general public.

“We are particularly happy to have the support of the Ulster Scots Agency in such amajor exhibition and outreach project and to have John McMillan, who workedwith Hewitt, as our designer has been a fantastic experience.”

Dr White added: “We are very excited about this project as it develops work that the University has already carried out on Ulster and Ulster-Scots poetry and opens up many new opportunities for our research to be heard.”

The exhibition has been made possible by a project partnership agreement with the Ulster-Scots Agency and by grant funding from the University’s Arts and Humanities Research Institute.

As part of the project, the co-ordinators will be organising a series of talks, schools workshops and other activities to explore John Hewitt’s enthusiasm for Ulster-Scots literature.

‘Every Townland Earned its Name in Song: John Hewitt’s Ulster-Scots Tradition’ is at the Marketplace Theatre, Armagh, until 20 August 2012. For information about the project, future exhibition venues, talks and workshops, email either Dr Frank Ferguson (f.ferguson@ulster.ac.uk) or Dr Kathryn White (k.white@ulster.ac.uk), or call: +44 (0)28 70123577.

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Monday, 9 July 2012

July Ullans Alive e-Newsletter

ullans alive newsletter july12.pdf Download this file

Please find attached the July Edition of the Ullans Alive e-Newsletter. Please feel free to print or forward on.

Jonnie Crawford
Ullans Speaker Association

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Friday, 22 June 2012

Cairncastle Ulster-Scots Festival 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>

Dear All,

Please find attached this year’s Cairncastle Ulster-Scots Festival Programme.

Events run from 24th – 29th  July and everyone will be made most welcome.




Iain Carlisle

Ulster-Scots Community Network

68 -7 2 Great Victoria Street



T. 028 90 436710

E. iainc@ulster-scots.com

W. www.ulster-scots.com


Cairncastle 2012.pdf Download this file

Cairncastle 2012.pdf Download this file

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Belfast City Council - Community Festivals Fund 2012-13

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iain Carlisle <IainC@ulster-scots.com>

Dear All,

Belfast City Council Community Festival Fund is now open – this is only relevant to events delivered within the  Belfast City Council area. Follow the link for more details,



Belfast City Council is pleased to announce that the Community Festivals Fund 2012/13 (T2) is now open. 


This fund will support community based festivals taking place between 1 October 2012 and 31 March 2013


Deadline: 12 noon on Friday 10 August 2012.   


The fund is operated by Belfast City Council in partnership with the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure and welcomes applications from community groups or community led partnerships with arts and festival organisations. The community must play a strong part in the development and delivery of the festival.   Grants of up to £10,000 are available.


Full details can be found here:  www.belfastcity.gov.uk/culture/festivalsfund.


We will be running community based information sessions, details are on our website.  Advice is also available via telephone 02890 270227, email culture@belfastcity.gov.uk, or an appointment can be arranged.

Christine Osborne O'Toole, Arts Development Officer

Tourism, Culture & Arts Unit  |  Development Department  |  Belfast City Council  |  Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall Street, Belfast, N. Ireland, BT2 8BP
Tel: 02890 270227 | otoolec@belfastcity.gov.uk  | Visit our website www.belfastcity.gov.uk



Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Friday, 15 June 2012

Ullans Alive E-Newsletter June

ullans alive newsletter june.pdf Download this file

Please find attached the latest edition of our newsletter. Please feel free to forward.

Jonnie Crawford
PR Officer
Ullans Speakers Association

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee Concert - Waterfront Hall 22 June


See attached poster for Diamond Jubilee Concert held in Waterfront Hall on Friday 22nd June.


Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Born Fighting - How the Ulster Scots shaped America by Senator James Webb

YouTube Documentary: Born Fighting - How the Ulster Scots shaped America by Senator James Webb

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Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster