Friday, 30 March 2012

Invitation to Launch of - TDDA Integrating Communities Programme: ‘The Evolution of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Orange Order’

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gail Lees <>
Date: 30 March 2012 16:27

Invitation to Launch of - TDDA Integrating Communities Programme

(Including a cross-border / cross-community discussion workshop entitled, ‘The Evolution of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Orange Order’)


Dear Friend

I would like to invite you to attend the official launch of Tyrone Derry & Donegal Action’s (TDDA) Integrating Communities Programme (funded by the International Fund for Ireland (IFI) and managed by the Northern Ireland Rural Development Council (RDC). The launch will take place on Wednesday 11th April from 7-9pm in the An GrianĂ¡n Hotel, Burt, Co.Donegal. Guest speakers from IFI and RDC will also be in attendance, with introductions from TDDA Programmes Director, Mr Albert Allen.

This programme launch will coincide with one of a series of discussion workshops which have been organised as part of the above programme. This is a cross-border / cross-community discussion workshop with guest speakers from Grand Orange Lodge Ireland and the Ancient Order of Hibernians.  This will be followed by an audience-panel question and answer session. Light refreshments will also be available.

The emphasis of TDDA’s work is on cross-community and cross-border issues related to peace-building and life in a post-conflict society. The discussion workshops are designed to encourage participation from the wider community providing an opportunity to meet, network, discuss and share knowledge and experiences with regards to the workshop topics. We envisage that participants will have a better understanding of the values and aspirations of Protestant and Roman Catholic Groups on both sides of the border.

Please RSVP (contact details below), by Thursday 5th April 2012 as booking is essential.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards



Stephanie Hunter

Project Officer – Tyrone-Derry & Donegal Action

Volt House

The Diamond


Co. Donegal


Tel: 00353 74 9173747



This project is funded by the International Fund for Ireland and is managed by the Northern Ireland Rural Development Council (RDC) under the Integrating Communities Programme       



Gail Lees                                       T: 028 8676 6980

Project Support Officer         E:    

                                                        17 Loy Street, Cookstown

                                                       Co Tyrone, BT80 8PZ





Working in partnership:





RDC is an independent organisation operating at a regional level across rural Northern Ireland. RDC wants to encourage a flourishing and sustainable rural Northern Ireland and believe that rural communities play a vital and significant role in achieving this. For further information on RDC click the above logo.



This email is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Council. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender.

Think before you print - do you really need to print this email?


Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Ulster-Scots Summer Schools - Information Events

letter to groups re meeting.doc Download this file

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iain Carlisle <>
Date: 30 March 2012 14:35

Dear All,

I’ve been asked by the Agency to forward these details of planned information evenings which will look at their Summer Schools Grant, due to open shortly.




From: Ulster Scots Agency []
Sent: 30 March 2012 13:11
To: Iain Carlisle
Subject: Summer Schools


Hi Iain


See attached letter that hopefully will be sent out to all our groups today – please pass on to your contacts




Audrey Freen
Ulster Scots Agency
Regional Office
Co. Donegal

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Thursday, 22 March 2012

County Londonderry Grand Orange Lodge Diamond Jubilee concert

County Londonderry Grand Orange Lodge Diamond Jubilee concert

Variety Concert in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II on Friday 30th March 2012 at 8pm in Garvagh High School
Compere: Mr Lexi Gilmour



Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

1st UllansCAST Episode

1st UllansCAST Episode

Posted in Ullans by ullans on March 20th, 2012
In the first UllansCast we take a look at Dervocks own olympic hero, Kenndy Kane McArthur as we celebrate 100 years since the Stocholm Olympics. We also take a look at the short history of the RMS Titanic, the great ocean line that was build in Belfast but tragically sank after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage.

Also we have the Ullans News as well as a short passage from 'Alice in Wonderland'

In the furst UllansCast we tak a luk at Dervocks ain olympic hero, Kenndy Kane McArthur as we celebrate a hunner years since the Stocholm Olympics. We also take a luk at the short history o the RMS Titanic, the great ocean liner that wus build in Belfast but tragically sank efter hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage.

Also we hae the Ullans News as weel as a short passage fra 'Alice Carrants in Wunderlan'

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Ulster-Scots Agency Festival Funding - Information Evenings

Dear All,

As you may already be aware – the Ulster-Scots Agency Festival Fund is open for applications until 30th March at 4.00pm

Application Forms and Guidance notes are available online -

In order to assist groups who wish to apply, the Agency have asked USCN to deliver some information sessions on the Festivals Fund. Apologies for the short notice but we want to run these as quickly as possible in order to give groups as much time to prepare their applications before the closing date.

Monday 5th March 2012 – Silver Birch Hotel, Omagh, 8.00pm

Tuesday 6th March 2012 – Island Centre, Lisburn 8.00pm

Wednesday 7th March 2012 – Coleraine Ulster-Scots Resource Centre 8.00pm



Iain Carlisle

Ulster-Scots Community Network

68 -7 2 Great Victoria Street



T. 028 90 436710



Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster