Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Orange walk strikes sour note in Bishopbriggs - Kirkintilloch Today

Orange walk strikes sour note in Bishopbriggs

Published Date: 18 May 2010

FURY has followed in the walk of an Orange Order parade through a quiet residential area.

The Reformation Memorial Loyal Orange Lodge 71 held a recent Saturday afternoon three-mile parade through Bishopbriggs to celebrate its 25th anniversary.

But the march has come under fire from angry locals.

In a letter to the Herald, Bishopbriggs resident Elizabeth Diamond said: "The residents of our neighbourhood would like to know who authorised the Orange parade with a great banging of drums down Hilton Road.

"In almost 50 years of residence in Bishopbriggs, we have never known any such parades in our area – we do not want them and we do not need them.

"Surely, we are not going to be subjected to any more of these sectarian parades – of any description."

Elizabeth added: "As the parade passed the church on Hilton Road – which is called St John the Less and is Episcopalian as it happens – the drums were roaring. It's not acceptable in this day and age."

Another Bishopbriggs resident said: "The Orange Order is a discriminatory organisation. It has no place on the streets of a modern Scotland or a modern East Dunbartonshire.

"These parades are a waste of taxpayers' money at a time when every penny in the public purse is priceless."

A spokesperson for East Dunbartonshire Council said there were no costs incurred by the council from Orange Order parades.

A spokesperson for Strathclyde Police's operations department told the Herald a Freedom of Information request would be required to ascertain specific costs for policing parades in East Dunbartonshire.

Richard Grimshaw, of the Reformation Memorial Loyal Orange Lodge 71, informed the Herald: "We are trying to let more people know the more positive side of our organisation in this the 450th anniversary of the Reformation.

"We've been active within Bishopbriggs for 25 years in our efforts to uphold our traditions and charity work, and assist in good causes."

What's your view? E-mail the Herald by clicking here

The full article contains 335 words and appears in n/a newspaper.
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  • Last Updated: 18 May 2010 4:13 PM
  • Source: n/a
  • Location: Kirkintilloch

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