Monday, 23 August 2010

Shankill tourism office

There was an official opening today for the new Shankill Tourism Information Office in the Spectrum Centre.� The opening was chaired by the Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor William Humphrey, who is chairman of the Greater Shankill Tourism Committee and the opening was performed by DETI minister Arlene Foster, who has responsibility for tourism.

The tourism centre has plenty of information and a great range of Shankill products, many of them using the 'Shankill - Original Belfast' branding.� I understand that they are doing a good trade in the new products and they were especially popular with the Scottish visitors who were over in Ulster for the Apprentice Boys celebrations last weekend.� It is a good brand and there are some excellent high-quality products.

The branding has a double significance:
  1. This is original Belfast, dating back to the 5th century and the earliest Christian church in the area.
  2. It is also original Belfast in the sense of an authentic and unadorned Belfast.
The Spectrum is looking really well and much credit must go to the chair of the Greater Shankill Partnership board, Tom Scott, the manage of the centre, Julie Andrews, and all the board members and staff.

Posted via email from Kilsally's posterous

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