Monday 24 January 2011

New Robert Burns letter revealed in time for Burns Night

I see new Rabbie Burns letter has been uncovered in Floors Castle, Kelso dated 13th May 1789.  Found amongst a collection of historical letters belonging to the late 6th Duke of Roxburgh

The letter contains a work in progress of his poem poem, On Seeing a Wounded Hare and he invites comments on it.

BBC Scotland is also due to finish a huge audio archive of the works of Robert Burns with over 700 poems voiced by the likes of Scottish greats Robbie Coltrane and Robert Carlyle, as well as Prince Charles.  Burns Day 2011 is marked for the official completion date.

On Seeing A Wounded Hare

INHUMAN man! curse on thy barb'rous art, And blasted be thy murder-aiming eye; May never pity soothe thee with a sigh, Nor ever pleasure glad thy cruel heart! Go live, poor wand'rer of the wood and field! The bitter little that of life remains: No more the thickening brakes and verdant plains To thee shall home, or food, or pastime yield. Seek, mangled wretch, some place of wonted rest, No more of rest, but now thy dying bed! The sheltering rushes whistling o'er thy head, The cold earth with thy bloody bosom prest. Oft as by winding Nith I, musing, wait The sober eve, or hail the cheerful dawn, I'll miss thee sporting o'er the dewy lawn, And curse the ruffian's aim, and mourn thy hapless fate

Posted via email from Kilsally's Ulster

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