The story of the rioting on the Crumlin Road on the evening of 12 July and the following days continues to unfold and it is becoming clear that people came from far and wide to take part in the riots, which were encouraged by dissident republicans.
The PSNI have published photographs of epople participating in the riots and they are gradually being identified with the intention of charging them and bringing them before the courts.� This is very important in terms of sending out a warning that such criminal behaviour is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.� It also helps to build confidence in the police and the legal system.� Too often I hear people say that there is no point in calling the police when a crime is committed because 'they do nothing' and 'the ones that do it just get away with it.'
We need to see the culprits before the courts and we need to see the courts hand out appropriate punishments.� There were rioters who were intent on murder.
I hope that the media continue to cover this story as it unfolds so that the wider public are aware of the facts about the disgraceful violence. via