Not long to go until the PipeUp festival kicks off on Saturday evening. The Festival Club is being held in the Conference and Exhibition Centre in the the Europa Hotel in Belfast. Doors open at 8.45pm.
There is a full bill of talent and the evening gets underway with Canntaireachd, a new group formed from the Armagh area featuring Highland and Uilleann Pipes. Next up is Andrew Carlisle, Alen Tully and Friends, neither of those guys need any introduction to a piping audience. Following on will be a group from the Armagh Pipers Club, these guys and gals never fail to deliver music of the highest quality. Bernagh are next to the stage, they are one of the most exciting groups featuring pipes to come out of Ireland in years. To round the evening off its the one and only Fred Morrison Band. A true pioneer of music on pipes and whistles this is a great opportunity to see the man on one of his all to seldom visits to Northern Ireland.
Quality music from start to finish and all for the modest entry fee of �5 �3 concessions payable at the door on the evening. What better way to round off the day of the European, whether your a local or visiting for the Championships, than in the Festival Club.