Monday, 13 September 2010

European Heritage Open Day

On Saturday I visited the First Presbyterian Church (Non Subscribing) in high Street, holywood. This was a European Heritage Open Day and the church was opened for folk to visit and find out more about the history and architecture of the building. I was welcomed by the minister, Rev Colin Campbell, and the clerk of session, Myrtle McConnell.�

The building was designed by Sir Charles Lanyon around 1850. Inside the porch there are two sculptures by Rosamond Praeger, who was a Sunday school teacher in the congregation, and she also designed the war memorial.

There were some interesting memorials to former members and I noticed that one of them was for a member of the Davidson family of the Sirocco works, which suggests that the family may have been Non-Subscribing Presbyterians.

European Heritage Open Days are a great opportunity to explore and to enjoy the cultural wealth of our built heritage.

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