Dear Alan,
Here are some details for those attending the Papal Protest
events and also a final appeal to those:
- who may still not be coming to a Papal visit event
- those coming who have not yet registered
- those intending to do a witness of their own.
We need help to fold 10,000 tracts on Thursday (16th)
evening at Westminster Baptist Church, 100 Horseferry Road,
London, SW2 - from 6:30 onwards.
To Register for an Event
- Make an effort to be at the meetings prior to the events so
we can meet together in prayer and it helps us plan and
organise better.
- Bring backpack to carry tracts, food, cameras etc
- Bring food and drink for the whole time you intend to come -
and more.
- Bring a camera and/or video
- Bring note pad and pen to take the details of any who may
want more details.
- Bring Maps - available on the website of event locations
www.popesukvisit.co.uk/events Also have a look at the official Papal website - it has
useful information. www.ThePapalVisit.org.uk
- Put the mobile phone numbers (listed on events page) of the
various organisers on your mobile phone.
- Keep your mobile phone switched on during the day of the
events you are attending
- Download and print two useful reports form the Christian
Institute about the law on Public Evangelism and 'Tracting'.
- Remember no banners or placards are required as they will be
provided at all the events. Stay light and nimble like David
(1 Sam 17) - although ringing your own gospel tracts would
of course do no harm in case we run out.
- Be prepared for all weather - although currently expected to
be dry most of the time and in most venues.
- If you need somewhere to sleep and do not tell us - you will
have a place to sleep, but no bedding etc unless you bring
your own.
- If you don't register and give us your mobile phone we
cannot be certain to advise of any alterations to the plans.
PRAYER - PRAYER - PRAYER between now and then.
Then on the day we can go forward in faith knowing that we
have petitioned the heavens and the result is now in the
Lords hands.
We really would appreciate help with folding our tracts on
evening of 17th in Westminster. Please contact me (below) if
you can help so I can finalise the details.
Every blessing
Andy Clarke
Email: andy@christianwatch.org.uk
Tel:01778 344130 - until Thursday morning
Mobile: 07835 804183
www.PopesUkVisit.co.uk How To Help the Campaign
www.PopesUkVisit.co.uk/help Register To Attend An Event
www.PopesUkVisit.co.uk/eventregistration How To Promote The Events
www.PopesUkVisit.co.uk/promote How To Donate To The Gospel Witnesses
www.PopesUkVisit.co.uk/donate How To Donate to the National Advertising
Campaign & London Protest
www.PopesUkvisit.co.uk/advertising Latest News
www.PopesUkVisit.co.uk/latestnews If you need any help?
Christian Watch manages and maintains this website
(www.PopesUkVisit.co.uk) and associated lists in an
endeavour to centralise all the details of the Papal
Protests and Gospel witnesses during the Popes visit to the
UK. We are not responsible for keeping you informed of any
changes or alterations to these events. It is your personal
responsibility to check all the details with the organisers.
These events and the organisers do not necessarily reflect
the opinions and beliefs of Christian Watch but are there
for information only and not as an endorsement.
Christian Watch
PO Box 2113 Nuneaton
CV11 6ZY
United Kingdom.