Monday, 6 September 2010

Patrick Bronte - in the Scotch manner

The Bront� sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne, who gave us a number of fine novels, were the daughters of Rev Patrick Bront� 1777-1861. He was minister in the village of Haworth in Yorkshire for more than forty years and exercised a thoroughly evangelical ministry.

However Patrick Bront� was not born in England. In fact he was the eldest of ten children of Hugh Brunty, a farm labourer from Drumballyroney in county Down.

Patrick Bront� wrote several volumes of poetry and the other day I came across this comment on his poetry by David J ODonoghue, author of The Poets of Ireland. In another of his works, The Geographical Distribution of Irish Ability, published in Dublin and London in 1908, he said: Patrick Bront� was something of a poet, but wrote in the Scotch rather than in the Irish manner.

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